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Links to other phylogenetic software lists and resources

Andrea Hansen, of the Universität Braunschweig, Germany, has created the bioinformatik.de index of resources. It includes a list of software.

Classification Society of North America.
Classification and clustering programs available for free. The software described on that list will be of most use to people who are trying to cluster or classify but not to infer phylogenies.

University of Manchester Biomathematics Education and Research
David Robertson of the Bioinformatics Education and Research at the University of Manchester, England, maintains a listing of Recombinant Sequence Analysis/detection programs and their web sites that test for the presence of recombination or hybridization events in DNA sequence data.

Indiana University Bio Archive
Don Gilbert, of the Department of Biology of the University of Indiana maintains Free Software in Molecular Biology for Macintosh and MS Windows computers.

European Bioinformatics Institute
The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) toolbox area provides a comprehensive range of tools for the field of bioinformatics.

Genamics - SoftwareSeek
Genamics, a company located in Hamilton, New Zealand, maintains the SoftwareSeek searchable index of bioinformatics software in a number of categories, including Phylogenetic Analysis. Contains links to the web sites of the software; and for those programs that are not available by Web they maintain copies for download at their server.

Universität Bielefeld - VSNS BioComputing Division
Georg Fuellen at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, has a very good page on Multiple Alignment Resources.

Institut Pasteur - Bio NetBook
Institut Pasteur in Paris has the Bio NetBook, a search facility for biocomputing resources. Programs for phylogenies can be found by, for example, selecting software from the Resource Type list and evolution from the Biological Domain list without selecting any Organism.

International Willi Hennig Society
A brief list of programmes centred on the parsimony method.

Taxonomy, University of Glasgow
Taxonomy, Systematics and Bioinformatics at the University of Glasgow have a list of Phylogenetic Software.

MRF Heuristic Supertree Software
The Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University has MRF Heuristic Supertree Software that can be downloaded.