LaTeX Lessons

Lesson One: Introduction

To download a LaTeX file in this lesson either copy and paste the latex code that follows into your editor of choice, or alternatively you can copy the latex file into your directory by right-clicking the download link below, and then select "Save Target As", followed by clicking on OK. If you like you can create a folder in your H: drive to save this file e.g. H:\latex-lesson1\

In here goes different styles of text, tables, arrays, pictures, etc. etc.

Download: latsam1.tex

Editing your LaTeX file

LaTeX files are plaintext files, so any text editor should be suitable for editing. Windows comes with a simple text editor called WordPad, but you can also use WinEdt, Tinn-r, TeXnicCenter, etc. Notepad, which also comes with Windows, can also be used but is not recommended if editing files created on a Unix/Linux system because of carriage-return differences.

Processing your LaTeX file

As you now have a LaTeX file in your directory, one still has to process it. Open a console (command prompt) by:

  1. Click Start Menu
  2. Click the "Run" icon on the bottom right of the menu (see Figure 1.1).
  3. In the box that pops up, type "cmd" without the quotes, and click "OK" (see Figure 1.2).
  4. Navigate to where you saved the lasam1.tex file with the following commands, pressing the enter key after each command:
cd latex-lesson1

Note:all commands will be typed in the same console window (See Figure 1.3).

To compile the document, enter the command:

latex latsam1.tex

> latex latsam1.tex
Figure 1.3 - Console

Start -> Run
Figure 1.1 - Start Menu

Figure 1.2 - Run dialog

Processing information will appear on the window. Unless an error message appears, you can in general just ignore it. If there are errors, you will need to correct your document and re-run the latex command. If there are labeled items in your document (e.g. figures, table or equations), then you will need to run the latex command a second time.

Next the resulting .dvi file needs to be converted into a postscript .ps file with the command:

dvips latsam1

More processing information will appear which you can again ignore. Create a PDF from the LaTeX document by typing:


You can now view the PDF with the command:

start latsam1.pdf

A new window will appear which will show you the visual output of your LaTeX file which can be sent to the printers.

The steps to remember are:

  1. latex the file:

    latex file_name.tex
  2. dvips the file:

    dvips file_name
  3. ps2pdf the file:



  • Spaces are ignored by LaTeX, see later lesson as to how to add spaces.
  • Single carriage returns are ignored in LaTeX, double carriage returns are regarded as being a new paragraph, to create a new line use either \\ or \newline.
  • Latex documents that include PDF images need to be compiled with the command pdflatex instead of the latex command.

This concludes your first lesson on using LaTeX.

Lesson Two: Writing your First LaTeX File

LaTeX files are generally written by copying existing files and modifying to suit. As you already have the file latsam1.tex, open it in your text editor.

In this example, the file has been opened in WinEdt (see Figure 2.1). Alter the text in between the \begin{document} and \end{document} using the mouse, arrow keys, and backspace or delete keys. Example: alter the document to:

Gosh I am now writing my first
LaTeX document.

Save the file by clicking on the icon with a picture of a floppy disk.

You will now need to LaTeX, and dvips as mentioned in lesson 1. You can save the file under a different name by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Save As".

WinEdt window displaying first latsam1.tex file
Figure 2.1 - WinEdt Window

There are macro buttons built in to WinEdt for calling the latex-related commands (see Figure 2.2). The "Latex" button is currently assigned to the PDFLatex command, rather than latex command. Unless you are inserting images, in most cases this should be fine. The DVI -> PDF button will convert the resulting .dvi file into a PDF file and then open it for viewing.

WinEdt window displaying first latsam1.tex file
Figure 2.2 - WinEdt Window

This concludes lesson 2.

Lesson Three: Introduction to Fonts

Changing the size of the font

To change the size of the font, one must specify a size from the table below. For example with the sample file shown below one can easily change the size of a font via the use of brackets {} and \Large.

{\Large Assignment 1}\\
To calculate the ...etc.

Download: latsam3a.tex

If you follow the procedure mentioned earlier of

  1. LaTeX the file via latex file_name.tex
  2. dvips the file via dvips file_name
  3. ps2pdf the file via ps2pdf

You will see the effect of the \Large.

Edit the file, i.e.

xemacs latsam3a.tex &

Now try out various different font sizes and re-latex and dvips them, making sure that you remember the brackets.


  • Not using brackets will just result in the document having that font from then on.
  • You must use the brackets {} not () or [].
{\tiny Some Text}Some Text
{\scriptsize Some Text}Some Text
{\footnotesize Some Text}Some Text
{\small Some Text}Some Text
Some TextSome Text
{\large Some Text}Some Text
{\Large Some Text}Some Text
{\LARGE Some Text}Some Text
{\huge Some Text}Some Text

Figure 3.1 - Various Font Sizes

Changing the style of the font

To change the style of the font, one must specify which style you wish from the table below, see example below.

\noindent \textbf{Assignment 1}\\
To calculate the ...etc.

Download: latsam3b.tex

Some TextSome Text
\textit{SomeText}Some Text
\textsl{SomeText}Some Text
\textup{SomeText}Some Text
\textrm{SomeText}Some Text
\textsf{SomeText}Some Text
\textbf{SomeText}Some Text
\textsc{SomeText}Some Text
\texttt{SomeText}Some Text

Figure 3.2 - Various Font Styles

Combining different styles and sizes

One can combine font styles and font sizes together so that you can have for instance bold italics size large. See below for a working example.

\textbf{{\Large O}nce more onto the breech dear \textit{friends}}
Let this be our summer of discontent

Download: latsam3c.tex

Once more onto the breech dear friends
Figure 3.3 - Result of line 3 in previous code

This concludes lesson 3.

Lesson Four: Using Colour Fonts

Colour is mainly for presentations, keep in mind most of our printers are grey scale printers, and colour printing is expensive. But using greyscale within a paper or thesis can add aesthetics at no extra printing cost, but note photocopying may not come out the way you were expecting, so do test before running off 200 copies. As for sending as FAXs don't bother, some are set as black and white only.

Below gives a brief example on inserting standard colours.

\noindent {\blue This is blue}\\
{\darkgray This is darkgray}\\

Download: latsam4a.tex

This is blue
This is darkgray

The following shows you a more extensive example on defining and inserting colours.

\newcmykcolor{tancmyk}{0 0.42 1 0}
\newrgbcolor{tanrgb}{0.98 0.67 0.33}
\noindent \textcolor{darkergray}{This is darkergray}\\
\textcolor{tancmyk}{This is tan cymk}\\
\textcolor{tanrgb}{This is tan rgb}\\

Download: latsam4b.tex

This is darkergray
This is tan cymk
This is tan rgb

Try experimenting with defining colours of your own, see the Staff/Graduate guide to LaTeX for references to calculating rgb numbers.

This concludes lesson 4.

Lesson Five: Non-Standard Fonts

Included here are sample files containing each of the non-standard fonts mentioned in the School’s LaTeX guide. Please note that in some cases you may have to LaTeX twice before the fonts will appear in the document. Firstly the mathbb font without the curve. Note: font designed for uppercase.


Download: latsam5a.tex


Download: latsam5b.tex


Download: latsam5c.tex


Download: latsam5d.tex


Download: latsam5e.tex

This concludes lesson 5.

Lesson Six: Postscript Fonts

On the whole it is recommended that you stick with Mark Hickman's postscript font. But for those who which to create documents which are purely text i.e. no mathematics, then try experimenting with the 3 fonts Times (ptm), Helvetica (phv) and Courier (pcr).

For example (user defined variables in green):


This concludes lesson 6.

Lesson Seven: Creating an Itemised List

We will start with a simple example

\item One rope coloured red
\item One long bent thing with a lump on the end

Download: latsam7a.tex

This would produce the following list...

  • One rope coloured red
  • One long bent thing with a lump on the end

Next, an example showing nested itemisation

\item Wizard’s Equipment
\item [$\Delta$] One rope coloured red
\item [$\Delta$] One long bent thing with a lump on the end
\item Warrior’s Equipment
\item [$\dagger$] One big sharp pointy thing
\item [$\dagger$] One flat round thing

Download: latsam7b.tex

The above the example would produce the following output...

  • Wizard’s Equipment
    • One rope coloured red
    • One long bent thing with a lump on the end
  • Warrior’s Equipment
    • One big sharp pointy thing
    • One flat round thing

For browsers that do not support CSS1, the preceding example should look like this image.

This concludes lesson 7.

Lesson Eight: Creating an Enumerated List

Follow the example.

\item This little pig went to market
\item This little pig stayed home

Download: latsam8.tex

The results would be...

  1. This little piggy went to market
  2. This little piggy went home

End of lesson 8.

Lesson Nine: Writing Mathematics

Mathematics must always be enclosed within either two $ or between \( and \), or between \[ and \] or between two $$, or within an eqnarray or equation environment. To enclose text within mathematics you must use a \mbox statement.

When looking at $\alpha$ or $\beta^2$ one
frequently find that the coefficient
\( \chi-\frac{1}{2} \) results in
\[ \bar{x}=\sum_{i=1}^n x_i \]
$$ \frac{\partial y}{\partial x}=y $$
and with the equation
\frac{\partial y}{\partial x} & = & \lambda

Download: latsam9.tex

This would produce...

output from above example
Figure 9.1 - Output from above example

End of lesson 9.

Lesson Ten: Creating an Array

We will start with the minimal array

\[ \begin{array}{cc}
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
\end{array} \]

Download: latsam10a.tex

The output is...

1   2
3   4

To insert a matrix into LaTeX, add the delimiters \left[ and \right]. For a full list of delimiters see a LaTeX manual.

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{cc}
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
\end{array} \right] \]

Download: latsam10b.tex

The output is...

output from latsam10b.tex

You can also add lines around your array

\[ \begin{array}{|c|c|}
\alpha^2-1 & \Delta \beta \\ \hline
\int x^2-x dx & \lim_{n}^{\infty} \frac{n^2}{n+1}\\ \hline

Download: latsam10c.tex

The output is...

output from latsam10c.tex

This concludes lesson 10.

Lesson Eleven: Inserting EPS Figures

To import EPS (encapsulated postscript) figures into your document, the epsfig package is required. Insert command \usepackage{epsfig} after the \documentclass definition:


Download: latsam11.tex and myfigure.eps

Inserting the EPS file

The basic code to insert an EPS format image into the document is as follows:


Note: the above code has been indented. This is ignored by the latex compiler, but it useful to help people understand the code.

Images can be placed anywhere in the main document i.e. between the \begin{document} and \end{document} tags. The latex compiler will place the image as close as possible to where the image is declared in the document, taking into account other objects and page breaks.

Adding a caption the image

  \caption{This is a caption}

Resizing the image

In the next example, the resizebox command has been used to set the size of the image:


Centering the image

The image can also be centered by inserting \begin{center} and \end{center} tags:


Putting it all together

    \caption{This is a caption}

This concludes lesson 11.