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Call for Formal Registration to SYSTANZ

We are now calling for formal registration of SYSTANZ and we are hoping that you will formally join. It is a two step process to join SYSTANZ

Step 1

Please provide the SYSTANZ secretary Thomas Buckley with information in the following format. It will be used on two web pages.

For Page 1

A). Please provide the following information:

Topic of Interest:

B). Please provide a simple electronic icon (or picture to be scanned) that can be associated with this information

For Page Two

Please provide your name, more detailed contact information (including links to any relevant web pages), your supervisor details if you are a student, and a couple of paragraphs perhaps with some more pictures. Explain why the organisms, methods and questions etc that you are interested in are the most fascinating in the world - please do not be too technical - rather, provide the address of a web link to where interested readers can find more detail.

Step 2

Please send Dianne Gleeson (the Treasurer) a cheque for $20 payable to SYSTANZ. This is an annual fee that will be called for in January of each year. Those who have registered recently (in 2003) will be considered payed up members for 2004.

Both Thomas and Dianne can be contacted at:

Landcare Research
Private Bag 92170
New Zealand
Phone: +64-9-8154200
Fax: +64-9-8497093