Degree Information: Find out about majoring in Mathematics and/or Statistics or one of our joint programmes with other departments.
Online Tools: These tools are for undergraduate students to complete the following tasks.
Computer Documentation: Computer labs, remote access to Windows and other services, software guides and some tips on connecting laptops to the network.
100-level Mathematics Revision Exercises: Worked examples in some of the core 100-level mathematics topics.
Podcasts: Recorded talks, seminars or background lectures
- Why solve the eigen problem?: Intended for current and prospective MATH353 students.
Mirrored Content: Local links to teaching and software resources used within the School.
Useful Links: This page contain links to other Mathematics and Statistics departments at Universities around the country and links to sites useful for people in fields of Mathematics and Statistics.
Mathematics Library Portal and Statistics Library Portal: Links to resources related to mathematics and statistics available through the University of Canterbury Library.
Past Exam Papers MATH / STAT / EMTH: The library maintains an archive of the final exams for the past 3 years. This link will take you to the previous exam papers for mathematics and statistics courses.