Visitors and Community

Welcome to the University of Canterbury’s School of Mathematics and Statistics. Please take look at our website to find out more about the School, its people, research and courses offered. Or you can contact us to make an enquiry.


The School is located in the Erskine building (formerly Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science building), which is on the corner on Science and Engineering roads. The reception is on the 4th floor.

Prof. Jennifer Brown Head of School

Professor Jennifer Brown
Extension 6699
Room 614 Erskine Building

Contact Details

School Facilities

Staff offices are located in the Erskine Building between levels 4 and 7

The main and Head of School offices are located on the 4th floor near the lifts. The tutors' office and tutorial/teaching rooms (Rooms 415, 441, 442, 444, 445 & 446) are located on Level 4. We have an honours office (Room 443) and honours lab (437) with 10 networked terminals. PhD students' offices are located on the levels 5 and 6.

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