
Text Mining of Te Puni Kokiri Project Data

Paul J. Bracewell
Offlode Ltd.

This presentation outlines the findings from a text mining proof of concept performed for Te Puni Kokiri (Ministry of Maori Development) by Offlode Ltd using SAS Enterprise Miner.

Almost 2,500 bilingual documents relating to Te Puni K okiri's Whanau Development Action and Research projects were provided for analysis. These documents relate to approximately 100 projects conducted under the Ministry's direction over a two year period. The aim was to identify and supply evidence of the actual and implied outcomes of the projects using a cost-effective methodology.

Analyses revealed that among the success indicators of the Whanau Development Action and Research Projects is the implementation of communal infrastructure targeting local communities. Plans for sustainability rely on the community with specialist assistance from external agencies.

Additionally, based on interpretation and consultation with domain experts it was possible to quantify the quality of the final reports. This is particularly useful for determining which parties may need assistance communicating their results effectively. Additionally, it is possible to predict the quality of a final report based on preliminary documentation, such as proposals and e-mails. Preliminary documents that are not overly reworked and have an action theme tend to result in better quality documents.

Session 2d, Social Data: 16:00 — 16:20, Room 031

Presentation Program